Some parents get the idea that they send their children to school just to receive knowledge. However, this knowledge goes hand in hand with moral education, because it is not enough, as the saying goes, to have a full head, but rather a well-made head. Morality and civics are based on specific values. Teaching methods, all educational activities in schools and even the whole of school life require values as a pillar. Learn more through this text.

Values to be respected in schools: why?

In every society where there is a collective life, the common consent to put in place values on which to base social life is imperative. The aim is to abide by the same rules and be driven by the same spirit in order to instil the same visions. This is one of the fundamental factors in the apogee of a community. Hence, the primacy of the value of the school. Values are then presented as principles, basic ideologies that guide the perfect understanding between the teaching staff, the management, the students and their parents. They constitute disciplines that will serve as a guide, adjustment and arbitration in the performance of all functions. Schools have a role in the socialization of the children they educate within them. They must learn the rules of life in the society to which they belong.

The main values: those of the Republic

Talking about the value of school leads primarily to raising Republican values. In fact, apart from the transfer of know-how, it is essential to learn in schools the notion and meaning of life skills. Educate students not only to become a good citizen, but a good French citizen, aware of and attached to the values respected in his or her own nation. Primarily, these are the values of the French Republic, which include freedom, secularism, fraternity, equality, and non-discrimination. Pupils must be aware of the legal texts that establish them, understand their meanings and discern the scope of application of these principles. The legislative provisions emphasize the importance of transmitting these values to students. Other values also attract special attention, such as the morality of goodness in relations with others, i.e. living together. With regard to public schools specifically, the principles of free, neutral and compulsory education are mentioned.

Values to be respected and measures to be taken in this regard

All schools need to work together on the process and means of transmitting these values to targets, including students. First of all, it is imperative that educators (teachers, professors) themselves be imbued and persuaded by these values. Otherwise, it would be difficult for them to practice and learn them. This is a major challenge, for it is far from being a minimal mission. The initiative to establish the value of the school will then lead to the setting up of appropriate pedagogical arrangements. The learning style for primary classes differs from that of older pupils. Therefore, it would be complex to live its values on a case-by-case basis for each situation that arises. The objective is social order and to combine education and security. The transmission of values to pupils may also depend on the political regime of the State. For example, in a liberal state, any kind of moral education, in what form is inconceivable.