Academic coaching is a relatively recent approach that offers extensive support to students. It mobilizes the necessary resources in order to improve the school situation, develop autonomy, optimize learning and increase motivation. However, does this method offer satisfactory results?

School coaching, an educational lever

The concept of school coaching was originally aimed at students with difficulties. Some students in the midst of adolescence struggle to reach the end of the year. It is all the more so at this time that students are subject to small crises that put a strain on their education. This dilemma prompts parents to seek support. Coaching is meant to be a source of light for young people in educational need. The help helps to identify the future of the school. The coach encourages the continuation of studies and the setting of concrete objectives in real time. In addition, the assistance takes care of academic orientation, as the decision regarding professional issues is not always obvious. In this sense, the result of school coaching is clearly palpable.

Methods of school coaching

Demotivation, anxiety, uncertainty, lack of confidence are some of the problems students face. School coaching intervenes in order to dispel doubts, raise self-esteem, increase confidence and develop abilities. The practice takes the form of personalised assistance. Pedagogical coaching is a branch of school coaching. This field "learns how to learn". There is also attitude coaching which focuses on self-image. Motivational coaching helps to identify strengths and weaknesses. In addition to these methods, there are orientation coaching, stress management, management of mental modes, management of parasitic thoughts, etc. Transactional analysis, the Palo Alto approach, Neurolinguistic Programming, gestalt therapy are among the coaching tools offered. The assistance is spread over several months, depending on the subject's situation. The professional then evaluates the results of the school coaching through the student's improvements.

Some pitfalls to avoid in school coaching

There is a borderline between academic coaching and psychological support. The latter is a matter of unblocking problems related to the history and psychological context of the subject. It is a separate treatment requiring the intervention of a psychologist. Its duration is indefinite. Conversely, academic coaching focuses on the child's educational plan at a defined period of time. Before contacting a coach, it is therefore essential to first determine the child's needs and the nature and extent of the difficulties. Moreover, the profession of school coach is still young and does not benefit from any regulatory framework. Therefore, check the instructor's skills and specific training before hiring him/her.