
Future teachers

The keys to teaching differently

Opting for a more motivating learning path for students is the challenge of teaching differently. Pedagogical innovations for the happiness of students.

It is a question of adjusting the way of doing things and the tools, which are more in line with the aims and objectives sought by learners. The Chile Connected websites gives you useful information about this subject.

Teaching differently

The new teaching platforms offer the great advantage of promoting the autonomy of learners who can choose their learning path from a number of exercises. Each learner can thus learn new things at his or her own pace, without being overwhelmed.

Meaningful learning is relational learning in relation to prior knowledge and experience. Meaningful is when the new information learned establishes relationships with information that is already in the learner’s memory and cognitive structure. You can visit Emirates Education if you want to learn more about meaningful learning.

School of the future

The lever of cooperation must help to develop the qualities and skills for each learner.

In these alternative schools, the priority is always to respect the child’s pace of learning.

Build a schedule with deadlines to be met and content well adapted to online training.

Drop grades because they produce very high academic pressure and stigmatize the most fragile students.

Boost motivation, increase self-confidence and improve the student’s autonomy for learning.

Learning to function in a team is a major asset to be able to work in the professional environment.

Creative pedagogy

School life

It serves to support a learner to regain confidence in himself and his abilities. This encourages them to make the necessary efforts, to formulate their own goals…Check New Life Colombia for more.

Educational success is much broader than academic success. Achieving one’s full potential and reaching personal goals that are set by the student are among the pillars of educational success.

Positive education serves to encourage rather than punish the student, to teach the student to love the rules rather than force him or her to follow them. Also called caring education, it is a societal phenomenon.

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